All News: Max Papis
Get to Know: Massimiliano Rizzi
April 21st, 2014 by Jaime Baker
Born in 1982, Massimiliano Rizzi has been a part of the iRacing community since September, 2011. He is one of a very few members of Club Italia who hasn’t even touched a road car — officially at least — in the nearly three years he has been on iRacing. He is an avid oval racer, … Read the Rest »

The Times They Have A’Changed
June 24th, 2013 by DavidP
Once upon a time, the NASCAR Sprint Cup race at Sonoma Raceway meant three hours of pratfalls guaranteed to generate half a dozen incidents worthy of a Havoc video . . . not to mention hours of banal chatter about “road course specialists” guaranteed to make anyone with even a passing knowledge of motorsports beyond the … Read the Rest »
Circle-Track School: What Does Mayonnaise Have to Do with Your Throttle?
October 23rd, 2012 by DavidP
I like to cook. A lot. My friends often joke that I’d make an excellent housewife. However, no one complains because they love my food (and beer). When they ask me how I make mayonnaise, hollandaise, or ice cream, I tell them it’s the same concept as controlling a race car. They often look at … Read the Rest »