All News: sporting-code
iRacing Q&A
January 29th, 2014 by Jaime Baker
Tony Gardner Talks About “Cheating” with iRacing News editor David Phillips In the coming weeks, iRacingNews will feature a series of conversations with key members of the iRacing team discussing topics of interest to the iRacing and sim-racing community. To get the ball rolling, I sat down with iRacing president Tony Gardner and picked his … Read the Rest »
iRacing Poll on Possible Championship Points Structure Changes
August 16th, 2012 by DavidP
Keep an eye on your e-mail inbox, because iRacing will soon be sending out a poll question via e-mail to collect feedback on possible changes to the Championship Points structure for official iRacing series. The current Championship Points methodology is an oft-discussed topic within the iRacing membership base, and some iRacers feel that the current … Read the Rest »
Protests: By the Numbers
August 16th, 2012 by Shannon Whitmore
The racing environment is unique to other competitive sports in that a measure of cooperation must exist amongst the competitors in order to reach the end of the race and accomplish a goal. For most the goal is getting to the end of the race with a chance to win or finish well. But what … Read the Rest »
Improving Your iRacing Experience: A Guide Part I
July 10th, 2012 by DavidP
Practice, Qualifying and Racing Etiquette Hey everybody, my name is Michael Vaughn and I’m going to offer some general advice on how to improve your iRacing experience for yourself and your fellow iRacers. These views may not necessarily be shared among the community, but I think they can help anyone out. Practice We all have … Read the Rest »
A Day with the Chief Steward
December 11th, 2009 by DavidP
I’m sure there are a lot of you out there who wonder what it’s like in an average day of being Chief Steward for F.I.R.S.T. (Federation of Internet Racing and Sanctioning Trust). I’ll try to explain what we do with protests, the process of investigating cases, and some of our philosophies behind some of the … Read the Rest »