All News: Regional Series Championship

The World Cup of iRacing™ Report

October 1st, 2009 by

Now that we are getting close to the end of this season we can start looking at who is working their way into the Club Runoffs and World Cup with the new standings. Central European Region Italy holds a good lead over DE-AT-CH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) right now at about 1000 points. If Italy can … Read the Rest »

Introduction to the World Cup of iRacing

September 2nd, 2009 by

I’m British. Where I come from football (aka soccer) is King, but I was never really that interested in the day-to-day league games the way others seemed to be as there wasn’t really a local team for me. The team which was nearest to me had their stadium in a different town! Confusing, I know… … Read the Rest »