iRacer Profile: John Schweickart
December 3rd, 2011 by DavidP
When it comes to iRacing, John Schweickart is on movin’ on up. Although the Dayton, Ohio-based Schweickurt has been sim racing for the best part of a decade, he is only now closing-in on completing his second full year of iRacing. And looking better and better all the time. After finishing a rather distant (at least from the top of the score sheets) 305th in the overall NASCAR iRacing.com Class A Series standings in Season 3 (95th in Division 2), he finds himself knocking on the top ten of Division 2 and the top 30 overall.
It’s all a matter of focus. Although Schweickart has run a few NASCAR iRacing.com Class C open and fixed setup events this season, he’s concentrating on the Class A series . . . with the results to prove it.
Q: How long have you been sim racing?
A: Nine years
Q: What attracted you to iRacing?
A: A lot of friends switched from N2k3 to iRacing and also I saw a lot of NASCAR drivers using it and wanted a chance to race them head-to-head along with the best of the best sim racers.
Q: What are favorite iRacing cars/tracks?
A: My favorite track has to be Michigan International Speedway. There are so many lines to choose from and you can race door-to-door and not worry about the other guy. Favorite car would have to be the A’s because I am solely concentrating on it right now.
Q: What do you like most about iRacing?
A: How real it feels. It makes me feel like I could be out there with other real competitors racing.
Q: What would you change about iRacing?
A: Not much really. You’re never going to make everyone happy and I understand the whole legal rights and how expensive things are. It’s a great sim and I appreciate all the hard work that goes into making this the best possible experience.
Q: How many hours a week do you spend on iRacing?
A: Including practice for setups, at least 25.
Q: Tell us about the paint schemes on your helmet/car(s)
A: All my paints are done by Ken Worley. He is a very gifted painter who doesn’t get the credit he deserves. I run his paint schemes from something you might see on the racetrack to something that will blow your mind. My number one, all-time favorite is my Marines/ Support our troops Chevy. Without our soldiers none of this would be possible.
Q: What other sim racing activities (Forza, Gran Tourismo, etc.) do you do?
A: iRacing is it.
Q: What are your favorite video games?
A: Sometimes I play World Golf Tour with my teammates or shooter games.
My number one, all-time favorite is my Marines/Support our troops Chevy. Without our soldiers none of this would be possible.
Q: What is your most memorable iRacing moment?
A: I was racing Dover in the truck before the NTM on a league race. I had the best truck over a long run but could not run short runs. Caution fell with 20 or so to go and I was out front. We had another yellow in the mix but I was able to hold off two fast short run guys and win. It was very hard driving but so much fun.
Q: What is the iRacing moment you’d love to forget?
A: Any time I check-up for a wreck or for someone getting out of shape and getting run over. I’m sure a lot of other racers could agree that is frustrating.
Q: What car/track would you like to see iRacing add to the service?
A: Kil Kare in Ohio. ARCA has run there and it has history. Also maybe get some more Cup tracks like Kentucky and California. (Did you say “Kentucky?” Your wish is our command –Ed)
Q: What person, living or dead, do you most admire? Why?
A: Dale Earnhardt Sr and JR! Dale Sr drove to win. Bottom line! I loved that; always exciting because he wasn’t satisfied with a solid finish or a good points day. WIN! Jr is an incredible race car driver and it sucks the way the media is all over him. I watch him race and how he interacts with fellow race drivers and that encourages me to respect my fellow iRacers as well.
Q: What’s your favorite real world racing series?
Racing with people from Japan weeks, days, hours, before the tsunami hit. Then it impacts you a little harder knowing people just like you are devastated or worse, gone.
Q: Name the title of the most recent book you read.
A: Been a while since I picked it up but the best book of them all: Bible.
Q: Name of your favorite movie/TV show?
A: Movie: Transformers. Any of them. TV show: Dual Survival on Discovery Channel.
Q: How many of your close friends are iRacing members?
A: Close? 6 . Friends? Add more all the time.
Q: Has competing with iRacers all around the world influenced your opinions/outlook on life/world events? How?
A: Yes. Racing with people from Japan weeks, days, hours, before the tsunami hit. Then it impacts you a little harder knowing people just like you are devastated or worse, gone. That’s an example but it’s awesome racing with many people all over the world.
Final Thoughts.
Thanks iRacing for putting all this together. I know I’m not a real race car driver but the time I spend behind this sure makes me feel like one and I get to live my dream every time I click “Join.” Keep up the good work and Thank You!