All News: drop week

The NASCAR iRacing Road to Pro: Week 8 of 8

April 16th, 2013 by

Editor’s note:  Brennan Mercer has been at it again: toting-up actual and potential points  for the 2013 Season One NASCAR Class A Series (open setup).  As the top ten points finishers not already holding a Pro or Pro/WC license from Seasons 1, 2 and 3 in the Class “A” open setup NASCAR series qualify … Read the Rest »

Aranha Captures Barber Premier Racing Series Crown

August 10th, 2012 by

“Flawless Floridian” Earns Scholarship to Skip Barber Racing School August 8th brought the inaugural Skip Barber Premier Racing Series to its conclusion with Florida’s Christian Aranha taking the lion’s share of the spoils –namely a full scholarship to a Skip Barber Racing School 3-Day school. Aranha was a fixture atop the leaderboard throughout the … Read the Rest »