All News: Velopark

The Day(s) I Tested a Race Car Thanks to iRacing

July 11th, 2014 by

Versão em português abaixo, após o vídeo This is the history of a very special moment of my life. It happened in 2011, on the 26th and 27th of July. It’s very hard for an aspiring racing driver to have the opportunity to test a race car without having to pay for it. This happened … Read the Rest »

Season 1 ends at iRacing Brasil League

May 6th, 2014 by

The very first season of 2014 at iRacing Brasil league came to an end. They had 5 different series running one race per week, where I had the opportunity to follow and write about two of them: Masters of Track on the road side and NASCAR Pro Series on the oval side. Besides that, they … Read the Rest »