Get to Know: Fred Masters
February 29th, 2016 by David Ifeguni
At age 30, New York iRacer Fred Masters has all but mastered the craft of sim racing in the five years he has been on iRacing. Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Masters took a liking to racing at a very young age. Coming from a family of big NASCAR fans, Masters transferred his love of watching racing to sim racing, having used other racing simulators, notably NASCAR Racing 2003, before joining iRacing in December of 2010. His first victory came just two days after he joined in the Legends Cup Series at Lanier National Speedway. In total, he has 25 victories in 332 road course starts and 39 victories in a whopping 1146 official oval races. On or off the virtual track, Masters has not let anything get in his way, not even being partially deaf in both ears has stopped him. Learn more about Fred Masters in this week’s edition of Get to Know…
Q: What attracted you to racing in the first place?
A: When I was growing up my mother was a pretty big NASCAR fan. So we would always be watching races on Sunday’s in our house. I loved the sport from a young age and became a Dale Earnhardt Sr fan immediately. I’ve been watching racing since before I can remember.
Q: When did you start sim racing and how?
A: When I was growing up I would usually buy the Papyrus NASCAR and Indycar games. I spent a large portion of the childhood playing the original NASCAR Racing with a keyboard. The first game I took a little more serious as a sim was NASCAR Racing 2003 Season though. iRacing is the first one I have been online with though, growing up I lived in the middle of nowhere and had nothing but dial up internet until I was like 20.
Q: How invested, would you say, are you into your sim racing?
A: I have been slowly adding to my sim racing setup for some time now. I dedicate quite a bit of time each week to racing too. I would say I am fairly invested in it.
Q: What is one of your resolutions for the New Year?
A: I have never really made any New Years resolutions. I didn’t see any reason to start this year.
Q: What other hobbies do you do outside of sim racing?
A: I have been collecting diecasts for about 4 years now. I mostly have NASCAR ones, but have recently started collecting some cars from other series. I also am a pretty big Football fan.
Q: What work do you do in real life?
A: I have worked for Greyhound Bus Lines for almost 11 years now. I currently work as a supervisor in Albany, NY.
Q: Funniest moment you have had on iRacing?
A: A funny story I have was the Daytona 500 about three years ago. I got out of work early to go race in it. Well when I got home and went and registered for it, or so I thought. I accidentally registered for a qualifying session. By time I went back to my computer the site was having issues and I couldn’t get it. I was pretty pissed at the time. But looking back it is pretty funny.
Q: Most bizarre moment you have had on iRacing?
A: I was running second at a race at Charlotte once in the B car. The leader has a huge lead taking the white flag. For some reason he thought the race was over though and slowed and pitted off of 4. I ended up winning the race.
Q: If you were given the opportunity to race in real life, would you take it and why?
A: I would take it for sure. Maybe someday it will happen.
Q: What’s the most memorable thing that happened to you last year?
A: Going to Watkins Glen and having Xfinity hot passes was an awesome experience. I was able to take my mother who has been a NASCAR fan forever and has never had the chance to be in the garage before.
Q: What is one race you would like to see live at the track that you haven’t yet?
A: The Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona. I will be going next year with fellow iRacer Richard Glatter too.
Q: What is your favorite moment on iRacing from this year?
A: Without a doubt the 24 Hours of Daytona. Haven’t ever had as much fun as I did in that race.
Q: Tell us about your family.
A: I have an awesome girlfriend who is very supportive of my sim racing that I have been with for four years. I am an only child also, so I am fairly close with my parents and grandparents.