All News: mallory park Adds Four British Tracks, BTCC Honda

June 20th, 2012 by

Eight British Tracks, Honda Civic 2KC to Feature in Virtual BTCC has reached agreements that will see four of England’s leading race tracks — Thruxton, Croft, Mallory Park and Snetterton — added to the world’s foremost online motorsports service.  Additionally, iRacing announced plans to build a digital version of the Honda Civic 2KC as … Read the Rest » Adds Four British Tracks, BTCC Honda

June 20th, 2012 by

Eight British Tracks, Honda Civic 2KC to Feature in Virtual BTCC Bedford, MA (June 20) – has reached agreements that will see four of England’s leading race tracks — Thruxton, Croft, Mallory Park and Snetterton — added to the world’s foremost online motorsports service.  Additionally, iRacing announced plans to build a digital version of … Read the Rest »