All News: Mark Drennan
Pro Road Racing at Summit Point: A Short Track Long on Great Corners.
November 17th, 2009 by DavidP
As stated last week, there has been a little controversy over some of the tracks on the Pro schedule this year. This is normally a simple matter of taste and opinion and it is this writer’s opinion that a few drivers are just fatigued at this point of the season and looking for reasons to … Read the Rest »
iRacing Pro Series Road Racing: More Fun at another “R-oval”
November 11th, 2009 by DavidP
The last few weeks have seen a bit of debate over the worth of what have become known as “R-ovals,” a track that is essentially an oval with some track laid within its infield. Love them or hate them, they have provided some good, close and intense racing. Drivers are also speaking about fatigue at … Read the Rest »
Laguna Seca Pro Road Racing: Some storming drives and some sand storms!
November 2nd, 2009 by DavidP
With the latest build for the iRacing software released just days before the commencement of this week’s racing, the addition of smoke, dust, sand, dirt, etc. was always going to add an interesting new element to the racing. Some claimed they saw Lawrence of Arabia sitting up on the sand dunes of Laguna Seca on … Read the Rest »