All News: Michael Waltrip

Jim Beaver eSports Launches Fan Vote for Darlington Throwback Paint Scheme
August 20th, 2019 by Chris Leone
Darlington Throwback weekend is coming, both for the real-world Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series and eNASCAR PEAK Antifreeze iRacing Series. With plenty of iconic retro looks to choose from, this year’s event should be especially exciting for iRacing’s top professionals, as the presence of real-world teams in the series adds even more legitimacy and flair … Read the Rest »

Kenny Humpe’s Championship Blog
December 11th, 2015 by Kenny Humpe
The weekend started off on Friday upon landing in Miami, and quickly got off on an exciting start as our cab driver spent more time on the shoulder of the freeway, and honking his horn at the Miami rush hour traffic, than in an actual lane. My dad and I eventually made it to our … Read the Rest »

Humpe Collects NASCAR PEAK Antifreeze Series Spoils
November 25th, 2015 by David Phillips
As winner of the 2015 NASCAR PEAK Antifreeze Series Powered by iRacing, Kenny Humpe earned a trip to Florida to attend NASCAR’s season finale and collect the spoils of his championship including his championship trophy and NASCAR championship ring. As well, Humpe picked-up a check for $15,000 presented by iRacing.com executive vice president and executive … Read the Rest »
NASCAR iRacing Series Open Garage – Talladega
April 30th, 2014 by Jaime Baker
Superspeedways like Daytona and Talladega create different challenges where setup is concerned. With the new ride height rule and changes being made with thought to spring stiffness there are as many ways to approach your setup as there are drivers. Keeping that in mind, in this week’s column we will focus our discussion on two … Read the Rest »
iRacer Interview: Brian Schoenburg
July 18th, 2012 by DavidP
Whether you are the world’s most dedicated online racer or a hobbiest sim-racer, odds are you have traded paint with Brian Schoenburg at one point or another. Competing in nearly every car iRacing.com has to offer, the Moorpark, CA resident shows no preference for road or oval, Pro, Class A,B,C, D or Rookie, embracing every … Read the Rest »
Trevor Bayne First Drove Daytona on iRacing.com
February 23rd, 2011 by DavidP
It was standing room only in the Daytona media center this past Sunday afternoon when Trevor Bayne walked in following his dramatic win in the Daytona 500. But in the same room a year earlier, just a handful of people looked on as drove an iRacing.com-powered simulator while Michael Waltrip talked him around Daytona International … Read the Rest »