All News: usac silver crown
Q&A With Donald FitzGerald
July 11th, 2014 by Jaime Baker
Mr. FitzGerald has been with the iRacing service since 2012 and spends just about all of his time competing in the Silver Crown Cup. He also runs in ‘Crown leagues such as “Old Bastards.” With as much experience as he has with the Silver Crown, he is definitely a senior figure in the short track … Read the Rest »
A Day at the Races
May 7th, 2011 by DavidP
Club Indiana took things to a different level in April with a day at the races at the FASTIMES Indoor Karting center on the north side of Indianapolis. The event attracted a full field of 20 entrants (including a couple of interlopers from Club Illinois and a pair of SCCA racers), many of whom got … Read the Rest »