All News: Tech Tips
The Power of Skip Propels You
December 19th, 2009 by DavidP
Lately I have been running the engine so hard in the Skip Barber F2000 that it wails in such a way that I think I need to call Father Karras. In the past I was kind and gentle to the powertrain, but now I’ve learned that it needs to be pushed closer to the limit … Read the Rest »
Drag’n Slayer
December 5th, 2009 by DavidP
I was working on some acceleration tests at Indianapolis with various cars to determine their power curves and stumbled upon an interesting idea. I figured I could estimate the drag coefficient from the cars by capturing some telemetry data. I wanted to remove the aero drag and rolling resistance forces from the data in order … Read the Rest »
November 15th, 2009 by DavidP
In the past, when I configured my video each time I upgraded my system, I made sure to check-off the box for V-Sync under the graphics options because the resulting effect on the sim was quite smooth and produced the best moving image quality with little or no stutters or “artifacts”. So I have been … Read the Rest »
Type A Race Debrief
November 8th, 2009 by DavidP
I’m a Type B personality. I don’t over-plan my vacations, I don’t make lists, I let things happen. But I concede that there are advantages to the type A personality – not forgetting to pick up things at the grocery store, not scrambling to deal with a lack of available hotel rooms, etc., so I’ve … Read the Rest »
Who Has Pot to Cell?
October 24th, 2009 by DavidP
It’s time for an intervention. I read with interest many forum posts on pedals and how different brands, constructions, and components can yield a big gain in performance on track. Every such proclamation made me quite skeptical. My belief has always been that it’s the poor writer who blames his pen, and if ‘aliens’ were … Read the Rest »
Camera Editing Primer
October 17th, 2009 by DavidP
Editor’s note: 2009 Season Three saw the introduction of dramatically enhanced camera functions to the iRacing service. “inRacingNews’” Tech Tip guru Ray Bryden was kind enough to put together the following camera editing primer: To Activate the Editor Hit <Ctrl> <F12> on the replay screen. This brings up the Camera Edit box. You can edit … Read the Rest »
September 23rd, 2009 by DavidP
I’m no stickler, but ‘telemetry’ is not the right word for collecting data from a simulated car. I’m not holding my breath about a change in nomenclature, but I’ll just note quietly, that the true meaning of the term ‘telemetry’ is something like “far off + measure.” True if applied to a real racecar, but … Read the Rest »
Skidpadman – Effect of the Rear Anti-Roll Bar
September 5th, 2009 by DavidP
When iRacing threw in the free skidpad to the list of goodies in the recent update, I decided it was time to learn things about car handling systematically starting with a car with only a few setup variables – the Skip Barber F2000. I checked four different rear anti-roll bar (RARB) settings, and at least … Read the Rest »
Lotus (79) Stew
August 28th, 2009 by DavidP
I had an embarrassing start in the Lotus 79 and was far off the pace in my first online practice at the Glen. It was due to a couple of reasons – I’d never tried Watkins Glen in iRacing, and I was using the baseline setup. I was doing okay in the fast sections but … Read the Rest »