All News: Grand Prix of Monaco

NASCAR and NBC Change the Motorsports TV Landscape – Again
July 24th, 2013 by DavidP
Yesterday’s news of NASCAR’s ten year TV rights deal with the NBC Sports Group brings fundamental changes to the motorsports television landscape . . . again. Some of us can recall the days when “motorsports” and “television” were all but mutually exclusive. Apart from ABC’s Wide World of Sports’ highlight coverage of the Monaco Grand … Read the Rest »
Bucket List
June 25th, 2013 by DavidP
Not unlike A Prairie Home Companion’s Guy Noir, I continue my search for the answers to life’s persistent questions, first and foremost among them: Is the bucket half empty or half full? In this case, the bucket is my personal bucket list of motorsports events I’d love to see at least once in my time … Read the Rest »