All News: James Swinbanks

iRacing Community Contributes Almost US$10,000 to Member’s Medical Bill

October 13th, 2015 by

Editor’s note:  The following article appeared on All too regularly in the days of the internet do we hear stories of toxic game communities and the kinds of problems that can manifest in them, largely due to some the underlying attitudes of their members. However, in stark contrast to the usual horror of online … Read the Rest »

World Tour of iRacing Memorial Day Winners

May 30th, 2012 by

Dario Franchitti and Kasey Kahne (and Mark Webber) weren’t the only race winners on Memorial Day. Thanks to the World Tour of iRacing’s first doubleheader, more than 40 sim-racers added their names to the ranks of winners in the Third Annual Indianapolis 500 and the inaugural World 600 last weekend. Actually, it was … Read the Rest »