All News: NASCAR K&N West Series
Self Promotion: Making Your Own Luck
September 27th, 2013 by Jaime Baker
If racing was easy, either physically or mentally, I can’t think of a reason we wouldn’t all be doing it. This year has had its ups and downs for me; some of the biggest ups of my career, and some of the lowest downs where I’ve just had to reflect and ask Why? What? Or … Read the Rest »
Michael Self's PIR Blog
November 21st, 2012 by DavidP
Every race I compete in is different, which is ironic because when I made the switch from road racing to ovals everyone gave me a hard time saying that I was just going to be driving the same circle week after week. But for those who said this, I can’t tell them how wrong they … Read the Rest »
Michael Self’s PIR Blog
November 21st, 2012 by Jaime Baker
Every race I compete in is different, which is ironic because when I made the switch from road racing to ovals everyone gave me a hard time saying that I was just going to be driving the same circle week after week. But for those who said this, I can’t tell them how wrong they … Read the Rest »