All News: setup guide

Commodore’s Garage #9 – Bump Springs
September 30th, 2016 by Matt Holden
So far we’ve gone over how the main springs work on the car, but we still need to cover secondary springs, or “bump stops”. iRacing has recently overhauled the Gen 6 Cup cars and the Xfinity cars to use bump springs, but those still fall under the category of bump stops. To understand why the … Read the Rest »

Commodore’s Garage #8 – Coil Binding
September 23rd, 2016 by Matt Holden
Last week I went over the various thing that can influence your spring choices for a given track. How much banking, amount of bumps, and even the weight of the car can drastically alter what you need in your race car, but can those rules be broken? Of course they can, and it’s not uncommon … Read the Rest »

Commodore’s Garage #7 – Selecting Springs
September 16th, 2016 by Matt Holden
Last week we looked at how springs work, how they’re rated, and the different types of springs that may be available on our virtual race cars. The big question, however, is always “What rates do I use?” Older sims had flaws in the physics, so spring choice was simply based on what you could … Read the Rest »

Commodore’s Garage #6 – The Spring
September 12th, 2016 by Matt Holden
In the history of sim-racing, nothing has been more associated with chassis setup than the springs. At the same time, nothing has been more misunderstood than the simple coil spring. There are countless different kinds of springs, from coil, to leaf, to torsion springs, and everything in between, and racing series regulate them heavily. When … Read the Rest »

Commodore’s Garage #5 – Roll Stiffness
September 2nd, 2016 by Matt Holden
When we watch a car go around a corner, we almost always take a note of how much it rolls over, or lifts the inside of the car, but how much do we really think about what’s happening? In the yester-years of NASCAR, it was probably never given a second thought to how much a … Read the Rest »

Commodore’s Garage #4 – Aerodynamics 101
August 19th, 2016 by Matt Holden
Aerodynamics: the one word that spawns happiness in engineers and dread in race fans. In the past 50-or-so years, aerodynamics in motorsports have done nearly complete 180° turn, going from slippery, super-low-drag vehicles to high-downforce behemoths with the sole purpose of bullying air molecules into doing work that they really don’t want to do. Want … Read the Rest »

Commodore’s Garage #3 – Centers of Mass
August 12th, 2016 by Matt Holden
I hope by now you’ve got a good idea of what you’re looking for in the car and how you compare to other simracers in terms of driving styles. If you’re still searching for what you need that’s no big deal, it can take some time to find. We’ve still got a couple of weeks … Read the Rest »

The Commodore’s Garage #2 – Step 1: Grab a Pencil
August 4th, 2016 by Matt Holden
“We learned how to make them loose, now we need to learn how to make them fast.” Mark Martin said this during a post-race interview after an Xfinity Series race a few years ago and it’s stuck with me ever since. It’s a simple quote that largely went un-noticed, but carries so much information that … Read the Rest »

The Commodore’s Garage #1 – Welcome to My Shop
July 22nd, 2016 by Matt Holden
Six years ago I began writing a setup guide. There are tons of these things that exist around the internet for any racing sim you can imagine. In the past, they were quite good for what they were to be used for, but when iRacing showed up in 2008 with a radically new approach to … Read the Rest »
Behind the Scenes: The NASCAR Peak Antifreeze Series powered by iRacing.com – Sliders to Systems
September 27th, 2015 by Jaime Baker
Anybody remember this screen? If you don’t, shame on you. It’s the garage screen from Papyrus’ NASCAR Racing 2003 Season, probably one of the most viewed screens in sim-racing history. You can think of this screenshot as the great-grandfather of what we have today on iRacing. It represents a time when chassis setups were becoming … Read the Rest »