All News: The Glen
Johnston Takes Three in a Row with a Kentucky Comeback
July 15th, 2016 by Corey Davis
Whoever said that the best car doesn’t always win the race must have underestimated Tim Johnston. Although the four-time ITSR Power Series champion leads the series in all-time victories with 37 and in wins this season with two in a row, Johnston faced one of his toughest ever fights for a win in last Sunday … Read the Rest »
Get to Know: Nelson Rivera
May 4th, 2015 by Jaime Baker
New York iRacer Nelson Rivera has been around the online racing service for a while, eight years and two months to be exact. A member since March of 2007, the soon-to-be-fifty year old is a well-seasoned veteran of iRacing and has achieved a lot in his sim racing career. In 632 total oval starts, he … Read the Rest »
iGPS Points Lottery at the Glen
August 17th, 2013 by Jaime Baker
In the shortest race-to-race journey across the season, the Grand Prix Series (iGPS) makes three US state crossings, as we progress from Indianapolis, Indiana to Watkins Glen, New York. The forever popular track, Watkins Glen remains a favourite amongst racers alike, regardless of which types of cars take to the track. The easy-going 3.4 … Read the Rest »
Mustangs Stampede The Glen
June 21st, 2013 by Jaime Baker
The Mustang Cup series welcomed the second half of Season 2 with a stampede at the Watkins Glen Cup course as 426 sim-racers competed in 61 races producing 29 different winners. To put this amazing turn-out in perspective, the usual most popular track in the series (Daytona) was visited in Week 5, attracting 224 … Read the Rest »
Nixon Wins, Ruokola Scores
May 15th, 2012 by DavidP
Unchanged in layout since it opened back in 1955 Elkhart Lake features many elevation changes, along with a very high speed front stretch and the famous Kink in the middle of the back stretch. In other words, an ideal venue for the Classic Teams Championship contenders to stretch their legs. It was also the site … Read the Rest »